Friday, June 25, 2010

Update for 'The Drifter' and some rambling on.

81 pages and nearly 20000 words into my sci-fi/PA story called 'The Drifter!' I didn't get as much done this vacation as I hoped I would, but our main character, Mace Christopher is trapped inside an underground city/bunker complex long after a nuclear war, and hideous mutants have found a way inside! Mace Christopher, hired killer, ex-soldier, ex-husband, plunges into depths beyond his capability of dealing with. Hopefully I'm not exagerating when I tell you that it has a breakneck pace and that frankly I'm having a blast writing this one. I put this book off to write Dead Tide, Barren Earth and Dead Tide Rising---The time has come! I have had positive feedback from two readers and it has me stoked. ( I won't identify them in case they'd rather preserve their dignity)Lets take a ride, and forget using the brake for turns---I'll just let off the gas a little.

There is a second, related novel called After Action Report and it is about the same size as this one is presently. I've debated blending the two stories, but it might be better to bookend them like Stephen King's 'Desperation' and 'The Regulators.'

Thanks for putting up with my rambling! The rest of the weekend will be spent celebrating my wife's birthday. Hope you all enjoy the weekend also!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the writing. Can't wait to read the new books.
